Leetcode - 53, 152: Maximum Subarray Problems
Given a list of numbers we need to find a subarray which generates maximum sum or product
The maximum subarray problems are one of the easiest to solve but sometimes a small mistake can make it very tough and there can be a cascading effect to the whole solution, so it's better to practice every small and trivial problem out there.
What's the question?
Given an integer array nums
, find the contiguous subarray (containing at least one number) which has the largest sum and return its sum.
Let's look at an example
Input: nums = [-2,1,-3,4,-1,2,1,-5,4]
Output: 6
Subarray: [4, -1, 2, 1]
For this problem we will start with two variables the maxium sum or maxSum
with value of the 0th index in list. And the sum at current index in the iteration i.e. currentSum
which will be same as the maxSum
while initializing them
Then we will iterate over the the remaining list and check if the number at that index is larger than the currentSum + number
and if it is we will update the currentSum
But this doesn't mean that the max sum should also be updates we will check the maximum of currentSum
and maxSum
and update the maxSum
based on that result.
Jump into code
def maxSum(numbers):
maxSum = numbers[0]
currentSum = numbers[0]
for ix, number in enumerate(numbers[1:]):
currentSum = max(number, currentSum + number)
maxSum = max(currentSum, maxSum)
return maxSum
Now let's check one more type of Max Subarray question the Maximum Product Subarray.
Again, what's the question?
Given an integer array nums
, find a contiguous non-empty subarray within the array that has the largest product, and return the product.
Let's look at an example
Input: nums = [2,3,-2,4]
Output: 6
Subarray: [2, 3]
How's this different than the Max Sum Subarray problem?
In multiplication we need to check of negatives also two negatives become a positive i.e. we can get a bigger positive number by taking the product of two bigger negative numbers and when that number is multiplied with a positive number the output will be more larger.
We tackle this by keeping track of the minimum number in the list as well. So let's get into the coding... ⌨️
def maxProduct(numbers):
previousMin = numbers[0]
previousMax = numbers[0]
maxProduct = numbers[0]
for ix, number in enumerate(numbers[1:]):
currentMin = min(previousMax * number, previousMin * number, number)
currentMax = max(previousMax * number, previousMin * number, number)
maxProduct = max(maxProduct, currentMax, currentMin)
previousMin = currentMin
previousMax = currentMax
return maxProduct
And we are done with this 😅
That's it for this blog, hope you found this helpful. You can connect with me on Twitter